How to Get Ready for the New Digital Marketing Trends

How to Get Ready for the New Digital Marketing Trends

Digital marketing is when you use online platforms and channels to tell people about your products, services, or brands. It has different parts, such as making your website easy to find on search engines, using social media to connect with your audience, creating valuable and interesting content, sending emails, and showing ads online.
Digital marketing is always changing and challenging. You should always learn and try new stuff. In this article, we will talk about some of the new digital marketing trends that will happen soon and how you can get ready for them.

The Top Digital Marketing Trends In 2023

Using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are technologies that make machines learn from data and do things that usually need human intelligence. AI and ML are already used a lot in digital marketing, but they will be more advanced and common in the future. AI-powered tools and technology can help you:

  • Analyse data and find out useful things
  • Do things faster and easier
  • Make your campaigns and experiences more personal
  • Create content and images
  • Guess what will happen and how people will act

For example, AI can help you make different landing pages for different visitors based on their behavior and preferences, or make catchy headlines and captions that get attention.

Using Voice Search and Smart Speakers

Voice search is when you use your voice to look for information or products online. Smart speakers are devices that use voice assistants (like Alexa or Google Assistant) to do different things or functions. Voice search and smart speakers are becoming more popular because they are convenient, fast, and easy to use. According to Juniper Research, voice-based ads could make $19 billion by 2022. You need to make your website and content ready for voice search by using:

  • Natural language and a friendly tone
  • Long keywords and phrases
  • Structured data and schema markup
  • FAQs and answer boxes

Using Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)

Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are technologies that create new experiences and opportunities for you in the metaverse. VR lets you go into a fake environment, while AR adds digital things to the real world. You can use VR and AR to:

  • Show your products or services in a realistic way
  • Make interactive stories or games
  • Make customer service or training better
  • Make new experiences and possibilities

For example, IKEA uses AR to let customers see how furniture would look in their homes before buying, while Marriott uses VR to let customers see different places before booking.

Creating Valuable Content

Content marketing is when you create and share valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and keep a specific audience. Content marketing is one of the most important parts of digital marketing, because it helps you build trust, authority, and loyalty with your customers.

Content marketing is also changing with the new technology and customer behavior. Here are some of the trends and strategies that will be important for content marketing in the future:

  • High-quality content: High-quality content is the base of content marketing because it gives value and information to the audience. High-quality content is not only well-written and researched, but also original, engaging, and relevant. You need to create high-quality content that is different from others and meets the needs and expectations of your audience.
  • Video marketing: Video content is one of the most popular and effective types of content because it can get attention, increase engagement, and make conversions. According to Cisco, video will be 82% of global internet traffic by 2022. You need to create video content that is short, catchy, informative, and fun. Some of the video marketing trends that will grow in the future are live streaming, 360-degree videos, interactive videos, etc.
  • Interactive content: Interactive content is content that needs the user’s active participation or input. Interactive content can help you increase engagement, retention, and conversion rates. Some examples of interactive content are quizzes, polls, surveys, calculators, games, etc. You need to create interactive content that is relevant, fun, and useful for your audience.
  • Storytelling: Storytelling is when you use stories to tell a message or a value proposition. Storytelling can help you connect with your audience on an emotional level, make them act, and make them loyal. You need to use storytelling techniques to create powerful and memorable content that touches your audience.

Connecting with Your Audience on Social Media

Social media marketing is when you use social media platforms (like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) to tell people about your products, services, or brands. Social media marketing is one of the most powerful parts of digital marketing because it helps you reach a large and diverse audience online.

Social media marketing is also always changing with new platforms and features. Here are some of the trends and strategies that will be important for social media marketing in the future:

  • Ephemeral content: Ephemeral content is content that goes away after a short time, like stories or reels. Ephemeral content can help you create a feeling of urgency, exclusivity, and authenticity. You need to create ephemeral content that is timely, relevant, and engaging for your audience.
  • Short-form video: Short-form video is video content that is less than 60 seconds long, like TikTok or YouTube Shorts. Short-form video can help you get attention, entertain, and educate your audience. You need to create short-form video content that is catchy, creative, and informative for your audience.
  • Social audio: Social audio is audio content that is shared through social media platforms, like Clubhouse or Twitter Spaces. Social audio can help you create a more close and interactive connection with your audience. You need to create social audio content that is conversational, valuable, and participatory for your audience.
  • Social gaming: Social gaming is gaming content that is connected with social media platforms, like Roblox or Facebook Gaming. Social gaming can help you create a more immersive and fun experience for your audience. You need to create social gaming content that is appealing, interactive, and rewarding for your audience.
  • Influencer marketing: Influencer marketing is when you use influential people (like celebrities or experts) to tell people about your products or services. Influencer marketing can help you reach new audiences, build trust, and make sales. Influencer marketing is also changing with more micro-influencers (people who have a smaller but more loyal following) and nano-influencers (people who have less than 1k followers but with high engagement rates). You need to work with influencers who are relevant, authentic, and aligned with your brand values and goals.

Getting Ready for the New Digital Marketing Jobs and Skills

Digital marketing is not only about making and showing campaigns but also about managing and improving them. As digital marketing becomes more complicated and competitive, you will also need more digital marketing jobs and skills. Here are some of the new roles and skills in digital marketing:

  • Data analyst: Data analysts are in charge of collecting, processing, and analyzing data from different sources and platforms. Data analysts can help you measure performance, improve campaigns, and find out useful things. Data analysts need to have skills in data science, statistics, programming, visualization, etc.
  • Content strategist: Content strategists are in charge of planning, making, and sharing content across different channels and platforms. Content strategists can help you build authority, awareness, and loyalty with your audience. Content strategists need to have skills in writing, SEO, storytelling, design, etc.
  • Social media manager: Social media managers are in charge of managing and growing social media presence across different platforms. Social media managers can help you reach and connect with your audience online. Social media managers need to have skills in communication, creativity, analytics, etc.
  • SEO specialist: SEO specialists are in charge of making websites and content easy to find on search engines. SEO specialists can help you increase visibility and traffic online. SEO specialists need to have skills in keyword research, technical SEO, on-page SEO, off-page SEO, etc.
  • AI marketer: AI marketers are in charge of using AI-powered tools and technology to make digital marketing campaigns and experiences better. AI marketers can help you do things faster and easier and make them more personal and creative. AI marketers need to have skills in AI, machine learning, NLP, etc.

These are some of the roles and skills that will be needed in the future of digital marketing. But, you also need to be flexible and ready to learn new things and try new things in the industry.


Digital marketing is a fun and exciting field that gives you many possibilities and opportunities. But, it also needs you to keep learning and trying new things to be successful.

In this article, we have talked about some of the new digital marketing trends that will happen soon and how you can get ready for them.

We hope you liked this article and learned something from it.

If you’re interested in learning more about how a digital marketing agency can help your business grow, please contact us for more information.

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